Tuesday, 5 May 2015

Reference Page


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TV Series Evaluation

I really enjoyed this part of our project, it was interesting and I felt that I learnt a lot from being the designer and creating my own character. I enjoyed researching about the different TV series as I am not normally a fan of the gothic genre. I tried my best on both occasions during the shoots and felt that my looks turned out well. My favourite part of this was that we could pick our own TV series and then design the characters to fit into it, after being given the brief I knew immediately what I wanted my characters to look like and how my designs would turn out. To make this part of the project more successful I think I could have maybe gone into more research of American Horror story, from the origins of it and why/ how it was created, to them make sure my characters fitted well into it. At first I found it quite difficult when trying to decide what I wanted to put into my mood boards but after some research I found it came easily. I also liked how in this part of the assessment we were able to do a location shoot for one of our final images, I felt much more relaxed in this environment and think it was nice to change the settings. Overall I really enjoyed this section and hope we get to do another one like this in the future. 

American Horror Story Mood Board

Saturday, 2 May 2015

Quentin Shoot

Above are the images for my Quentin shoot. I am really pleased with how they came out. Because my chosen key word was 'woods' I chose to incorporate a branch like affect in the design. I used shading to make the face more sculptured, also as in my description of Quentin my model was topless.