Thursday, 12 March 2015


In great expectations we get to know Estella as very beautiful, but cold hearted. Raised by Miss Havisham she is used to extract revenge on society and men, she brought up to torment and break men’s hearts. When she meets Pip he easily falls in love with her, like we expect many men do even though she is so cold. In the novel she is seen as cold, cynical and manipulative all these things been taught to her by Miss Havisham. Miss Havisham destroys Estella’s ability to show and express any kind of emotion apart from hate, therefore she can’t see that Pip is a better husband choice than Drummle who treats her awfully and makes her even more miserable. It is said that Dickens used Estella’s character to show that social class cannot depict on one’s happiness.
Throughout the novel we get slight glimpses of kindness in Estella’s part,  for example when she tells Pip that he should stay and way never come back because she realised and knows that she is brought and been raised to break his heart. She often tells Pip that she has no heart and towards the end Estella pushes Miss Havisham away but blames her because she has been brought up to not care and have no heart.

The beginning of the novel in set in the early/mid Victorian era therefore we see Estella with hairstyles that represent this, having a centre parting and hair up in a bun style. As the film goes on we see her style get more romantic, the curls she has in her hair become looser and her parting is slightly off centre. She wears fashionable dresses of the time and makeup minimal. 

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